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Is Battery Storage Right for You?

Evaluating Storage Options for Solar PV Systems: Key Considerations

If you’ve reached this point and are considering adding storage to your solar PV system, it’s important to weigh several factors first. Here are some key points to consider beforehand.

Understanding Your Load Profile: Estimating Solar PV Usage

Assess how much of the electricity generated by your solar PV system you already use or are likely to use. If you are often at home during the day and run energy-intensive appliances like washing machines or dishwashers, or if you divert electricity to heat water using an immersion heater, your self-consumption might already be high. Understanding your load profile—when and how much electricity you use throughout the day—can help determine the amount of solar electricity you export to the grid at various times of the year.

Impact on Feed-in Tariff Income from Solar PV

The UK Government supports solar PV adoption through financial incentives such as the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme, which currently does not extend to battery storage systems. The FIT scheme pays for every kWh generated, as recorded by your generation meter, and also includes an export tariff based on a ‘deemed’ 50% of your generated electricity or on actual measured exports for larger systems.

In systems where battery storage is DC-coupled, any surplus solar electricity that isn’t used directly is stored in the battery and later discharged. This stored electricity will then be used by the home or exported to the grid when the batteries are full. Since this process involves some energy loss, it will affect your FIT payments because part of the originally generated solar PV output is lost.

The Benefits of Battery Storage for Solar PV Systems

Battery storage for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems has come a long way, offering numerous advantages for both residential and commercial users. Here’s an in-depth look at why integrating battery storage can be highly beneficial:

Energy Independence and Reliability

Battery storage enables you to store excess solar energy generated during the day for use at night or during cloudy periods. This reduces reliance on the grid and ensures a continuous energy supply, even during power outages.

Cost Savings

Many households only use about 30-40% of their solar energy during the day. By installing a battery storage system, you can use stored energy during peak electricity rate times, effectively doubling your savings. Additionally, various incentives and rebates are available to offset the initial cost of battery systems.

Customised Solutions

One size does not fit all in the world of battery storage. Systems come in various sizes to match different energy needs. For instance, a small system with 2 kWp of solar panels requires a smaller battery, whereas a 4 kWp system might benefit from a larger 20 kWh battery, especially if you have higher energy demands or wish to store cheap nighttime grid energy for daytime use.

Smart Energy Management

Modern battery systems can automate energy usage within your home. Excess solar power can be directed to heat water, charge batteries, or power electric vehicles based on your specific lifestyle and energy patterns. Smart-charging features also allow batteries to be topped up with cheaper grid energy during off-peak hours, providing further savings.

Grid Stability

Battery storage systems help stabilise the grid by managing supply and demand fluctuations. They provide backup power during high-demand periods, reducing the risk of blackouts and easing the strain on the grid.


Battery technology is rapidly advancing, becoming more efficient and cost-effective. Investing in battery storage now prepares you for future energy needs and technological advancements.

Flexibility in Installation

Battery storage systems are versatile and can be installed in various locations within your home, such as wall-mounted, in the loft, or in the garage, ensuring a fit that suits your specific preferences and space requirements.


Battery storage for solar PV systems offers significant benefits, including increased energy independence, cost savings, enhanced grid stability, and environmental sustainability. Customised solutions and modern technology make battery storage a smart investment, maximising the potential of your solar energy system and paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable energy future. By carefully considering these factors, you can make a more informed decision about whether battery storage is a viable addition to your solar PV system.
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