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Understanding the Magic Behind Your Hybrid Inverter: How CT Clamps Make It Happen

What are CT Clamps?

Current Transformer (CT) clamps are devices used to measure the amount of current flowing through an electrical conductor. They are fitted on the incoming feed that comes from the national grid at the point of entry to your property, as well as on lines from solar panels and batteries. These clamps work by clipping around a wire without needing to disconnect it, making them convenient for installation and monitoring. CT clamps provide real-time data on the electrical current passing through the wire they encircle, which is essential for energy management systems in residential solar setups.

The Role of CT Clamps in Hybrid Inverter Systems

A hybrid inverter is a versatile component that can convert DC electricity from solar panels or batteries into AC electricity for household use. It can also manage the flow of energy between solar panels, batteries, and the grid. To make intelligent decisions about where to draw or send electricity, the inverter relies on data provided by CT clamps.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: CT clamps are installed on the main supply lines entering your home and on the lines from the solar panels and batteries. These clamps continuously monitor the current flowing through each line.
  2. Data Collection: The clamps send real-time current data to the inverter. This data includes information on how much electricity is being generated by the solar panels, how much is stored in the batteries, and how much is being consumed by your home.
  3. Voltage Control and Priority Switching: Based on the data received, the hybrid inverter makes decisions on the fly. The inverter can control the voltage of the electricity it produces to ensure that the power comes from the inverter rather than the grid. Here’s how this works in detail:
    • Voltage Increase: The inverter slightly increases the output voltage compared to the grid voltage. Electrical loads in your home will preferentially draw power from the source with the higher voltage, ensuring that solar or battery power is used first.
    • Solar Panel Priority: If the sun is shining and solar panels are generating more electricity than the house needs, the inverter will prioritise using this solar energy. By maintaining a higher voltage from the solar panels, the inverter ensures that this power is used before drawing from the grid.
    • Battery Usage: If the solar panels are not generating enough power (e.g., at night or on a cloudy day), the inverter will check the battery levels. If the batteries are sufficiently charged, it will increase the voltage from the batteries to meet the household demand.
    • Grid Dependency: If neither the solar panels nor the batteries can meet the house’s energy demands, the inverter will default to drawing electricity from the grid. However, it will always try to keep the voltage slightly lower than the other sources to ensure grid power is the last resort.
  4. Load Balancing: The inverter uses the data to balance the load between different power sources, ensuring efficient energy use. This helps in reducing electricity bills and optimising the use of renewable energy.

Benefits of Using CT Clamps

  • Accuracy: CT clamps provide precise current measurements, allowing the inverter to make accurate decisions about energy distribution.
  • Non-Intrusive: They can be installed without interrupting the power supply, making them ideal for residential setups.
  • Real-Time Data: Continuous monitoring allows for immediate adjustments, ensuring optimal energy management.


Understanding how CT clamps work can give you a better appreciation of the technology that powers your home. These small but powerful devices are crucial for the efficient operation of hybrid inverters, helping you make the most of your solar energy system. By accurately monitoring current flow and providing real-time data, CT clamps enable your inverter to smartly switch between solar panels, batteries, and the grid, ensuring a seamless and efficient energy supply for your home.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just a homeowner looking to optimize your energy use, knowing how CT clamps contribute to your solar setup can be enlightening. Stay tuned for more insights into the world of residential solar energy systems!

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